The Phoneline, (844)-991-2962 (AZNA), is live. This regional service was approved at the July 19, 2020 meeting of Arizona Regional Service Committee. This service shall:

- Allow any caller in Arizona to automatically be routed to an addict nearest them.
- Allow meeting info to be sent by voice or text.
- Allow each Service Area to maintain their volunteer list independently.
- Eliminate costs of each area’s current phone number.
More Information
Anyone who calls the line can find meetings are ask to speak to a local volunteer. Until areas “make the switch”, the system simply calls out to the local service area phoneline.
The phoneline workgroup meets weekly every Tuesday from 5:45-6:45 PM via zoom to field questions and to work out any issues. All members are encouraged to attend. The Meeting ID is 898 7113 4377. Our focus has been how to get the word out and how to support Areas “make the switch”. You can also send an email to webservant@arizona-na.org with any questions.
- Get approval from Area to move to Yap.
- Have a point of contact reach out to Regional Web Team to receive login information and schedule training.
- Add phone line volunteers and schedules.
- Test and use the system to get familiar and be able to explain to your Area.
- Decide with Area if Area will port number to Yap or move forward with only Statewide number.
- If porting number gather required information and provide to RWT. If not porting, begin to cancel the existing number.
- Once ported cancel the existing carrier contract.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Do we need to keep our current number or not?
Each Area has the option of keeping their current number and porting it into Twilio or giving it up and solely using the statewide number. Either way the statewide number will work when a caller asks for that geographical location.
Who makes the decision to move to this service?
Each Area should decide if they would like to transfer their phone number to the Twilio server. After the decision has been made a point of contact will need to be in charge of acquiring the necessary information and being trained on the system from the Web Team.
How will i be trained?
A contact from each Area should be trained on how to maintain the volunteer list and schedule by the Web Team. This can be easily done virtually or by request in person. The contact(s) will then be responsible for the functioning of their Area phone system and training their successor.
What do i need to start?
If you choose to port your Area’s existing phone number you will need a copy of your most recent bill and you will need to fill out the Letter of Authorization form from Twilio.
Who is in charge of maintaining this?
Each Area is responsible to maintain their volunteer list and schedule through the Yap website. The login information will be provided to the point of contact for your Area.
Can we keep our same volunteers?
Yes. Volunteer lists should be copied over from the existing phoneline system and added into Yap prior to transition.
Who will move my number over?
Once documentation of LOA and phone bill are provided, the Regional Web Team will port the number to Twilio.
How long does this take?
The process to fully port your number takes about 2-4 weeks. Both services will be active for this time. Once Twilio is hosting your number you may and should cancel the service of the current carrier.
Can i stop paying my current phone bill?
You should continue paying the phone bill until the Regional Web Team contacts you that the number is successfully ported and active on Twilio. They will contact you as soon as it is active.