The thirteen Member Regions met for the Annual Meeting face to face in Ventura, Ca on the 4th weekend of January 2025. The agenda included Regional reports; Zonal Discussion Session; CAR related Q & A; Zonal Inventory, Planning & Taskforce creation; and Fellowship Development w/ the Host region, Central California.
Regional Reports
- A common thread is conventions and their service bodies recovering from the pandemic and closures. More events happening than ever.
- Public Relations & members serving prisons are still getting back to normal
- We are seeing a lot of RSC (regional service committees) doing their own spiritual inventory, planning and follow up.
- Some regions are seeing more face2face and decrease in online meetings, but on a whole in the USA meetings are still in a decrease.
Zonal Discussions
Just like your local ASC, we gather to talk about challenges and successes with our groups, Areas, Regions or Fellowship on whole. Our initial discussions lead us into our Zonal inventory, planning and Taskforce formation.
- IDT (issue discussion topic) Task Force – create a CAR ready topic on E-lit to submit to WSC
- Electronic Funds Task Force – update resources for Groups to collect funds electronically
- Zonal Forms Task Force – Create a form to collect similar info from the member regions
- RBZ (region board zone) nomination Task Force – create guidelines to recommend member to volunteer in Narcotics Anonymous world services
- Mission and Vision Task Force – revisit and make suggestions to revise our current policy
U.S. Collaboration of Zones
A National Presence workgroup working to make Narcotics Anonymous known in places it may not be known through public relations effort. USCZ did strategic planning to find out what is the most important thing they can focus on hence the National Presence workgroup. USCZ is in communication with the seven US Zones and NAWS. Not looking to duplicate services that NAWS or regions are already working on, but to have a presence with organizations that we are not cooperating with. NPW came up with a list of 100 organizations focusing on substance abuse then categorized them in 3 categorize addiction, mental illness, and criminal justice. They also prioritized the agencies. Now they are working on email templates to begin contacting these organizations but want to be prepared first. Current expenses are Zoom account, website hosting and website domain. Recently raised $300 by passing a hat at amongst the USCZ service members to fund their needs. UCZ operates on a Calander year and not fiscal year. More to be revealed in a few months and they meet quarterly.